But let's give it up because today is the LAST day of school (until January that is.) Let's celebrate that with the first of many posts headed your way.
Last weekend I co-chaired a cookie exchange- ever been to one?- for my volunteer club. This was a simple, no volunteering, "let's just have fun" event, but I had the pleasure of making a lot of the food for it.
I served two types of french toast casserole and mini turkey bacon sweet potato quiches.
Aren't they cute?
One of my major cooking problems is my issue with pie crust. I have the worst time getting it laid out and into the pie plate nicely and anyone who saw me try would take away my cooking badge and realize I am a huge fake. So, I thought, why can't I just make these quiches mini and make my life a little easier?
I can and I did.
DId I mention how cute these are? Or how cute any food is when you miniaturize it.
As if you would expect anything else from me, I did not put any cheese in these. I know, you're shocked. If you felt so inclined, I suppose you could put in some gruyere or maybe a smoked white cheddar. But, please, whatever you do, if you must add cheese, for heaven sake do not add cheddar. I think it would ruin the whole bacon sweet potato thing...these were a hit. 25 people said so.
Makes 24-28 average muffin sized quiches
The Pioneer Woman's pie crust
1 sweet potato (roasted in a 400 degree oven until tender)
1 pkg turkey bacon
1.2 onion, finely chopped
16 eggs
1/2 cup milk: you can use any kind, and/or a combo of half and half
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dill
Cook turkey bacon until slightly brown. Remove from pan and add diced onion. Cut turkey bacon and sweet potato into bite sized pieces.
Meanwhile, butter/spray your muffin tins. Take your chilled pie crust dough and form them into mini quiche cups, just like you would a large pie plate.
In a large bowl, mix up eggs, milk and seasonings. When cooled, add bacon, potato and onion to eggs. Mix well.
With a measuring cup, pour eggs into crusted muffin tins.
Bake at 375 until eggs are fully set and crust is golden, about 20 minutes.
Serve immediately with fruit salad and breakfast potatoes, if desired.
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